Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Yesterday I did a recording on the election for NTD TV, and had the pleasure of discussing the campaign so far with the Chair of the Chinese LibDems, Merlene Toh Emerson, who is our Parliamentary Candidate in Hammersmith & Fulham. The Chinese community in the UK is more actively involved than at previous elections, and we have three candidates of Chinese origin.

TodayI had a copy letter from the consultant physician at Dulwich who ordered the full blood test I had there on March 30. Everything was normal except the haemoglobin, which had dropped from 10.3 in January to 9.7 this time, compared with the normal 13.0-16.5 g/dL I had been attending a haematology appointment when I broke my leg last October, and that appointment has now been resuscitated for April 30. There are all sorts of reasons for a low haemog;obin count including non-Hodgin's lymphoma which I had in 2006.

I chaired a meeting of the Gypsy and Traveller Stakeholder Group at the Department of Children, Schools and Families between 13.00 and 15.00, at which most of the members were old friends. It was a useful and constructive discussion.

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